Home WorldMiddle East Understanding the Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Tensions Leading Up to October 7, 2023

Understanding the Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Tensions Leading Up to October 7, 2023

Decades of Oppression and the Triggering Point of 7th October

by Deccan Voice
The True Story Behind October 7th, 2023 - deccanvoice.com

The world witnessed a dramatic escalation of violence on October 7, 2023, between Israel and Palestine. However, many fail to realize that the conflict did not start on that day. The tensions leading up to this moment were the result of decades of Israeli occupation and oppression against Palestinians. For years, Palestinians have faced systemic violence, daily oppression, and military action by Israel. These ongoing atrocities have been largely ignored by the international community.

Since the year 2000, over 6,000 Palestinian lives, including those of women and children, have been lost due to Israel’s disproportionate military force. During conflicts such as the 2008–2009 Gaza war and the 2014 Operation Protective Edge, thousands were killed, homes were destroyed, and vital infrastructure obliterated. The humanitarian crisis deepened as Israel continued its airstrikes, blockades, and restrictions, leading to the collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Despite various reports from organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, much of the world’s attention remained limited to sporadic surges in violence, often failing to address the underlying oppression Palestinians have been subjected to for decades.

The events of October 7 were, for many Palestinians, a breaking point. The world’s portrayal of the conflict as beginning that day ignores the daily violence Palestinians endured long before the headlines. Israeli military strikes, routine demolitions of homes, and illegal settlements pushed the situation to the edge. The escalation was inevitable as years of systemic neglect, oppression, and international silence culminated in this moment.

As of 2023, the lack of accountability for Israel’s actions further emboldened them to carry out what many consider war crimes. International bodies like the UN have often failed to intervene effectively, despite the alarming civilian death toll. For Palestinians, 7th October is not the beginning of the conflict but a painful continuation of the decades-long struggle for survival against an occupying force.

The situation is a grim reminder of the imbalance of power. Israel, backed by powerful allies like the U.S., continues its aggressive policies against a population that lacks the resources to defend itself effectively. The Gaza Strip, under a suffocating blockade, has suffered immensely, with its citizens having nowhere to flee during strikes. Meanwhile, the world often turns its focus away from the everyday reality of Palestinian suffering.

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