Home Nation The Silence of the Good: How Extremist Hindus Are Eroding India’s Unity

The Silence of the Good: How Extremist Hindus Are Eroding India’s Unity

Provocations Against Other Communities Undermine India's Secular Fabric

by Deccan Voice
How Extremist Hindus Are Eroding India's Unity - deccanvoice.com

India has always prided itself on its diversity and unity in the face of differences. However, in recent times, certain extremist groups within the Hindu community are threatening the very fabric of this unity. By intentionally provoking other religious communities, these groups are not only tarnishing the image of Hinduism but also creating unnecessary divisions within society.

One of the recent examples of this provocative behavior occurred during the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, where some individuals, under the guise of festivity, danced in front of mosques with loud DJ music, causing disturbances. This kind of behavior is nothing more than a blatant attempt to disrupt the peace and harmony that communities have worked so hard to maintain. Such acts, rather than being rooted in faith or celebration, are merely a means of showcasing dominance and creating animosity between communities.

It is important to remember that Hinduism, like every other religion, teaches peace, respect, and tolerance. Unfortunately, the actions of a few extremists are casting a shadow over the entire community, labeling Hindus as extremists. The famous quote by Napoleon rings true in this context:

“The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of the good people.”

It’s the silence of the majority, the good Hindus, that enables these miscreants to continue their provocations unchecked.

The responsibility to protect the nation’s unity falls on everyone. While the actions of extremists are loud and attention-seeking, the silence of the majority is deafening and far more damaging. Good Hindus, who understand the value of peace and harmony, must stand up and speak against these provocative acts. Remaining silent is no longer an option, as it allows the bad actors to define the narrative, fueling hatred and divisions between communities.

The real strength of India lies in its secularism and the peaceful coexistence of diverse communities. Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and others have lived together for centuries, contributing to the country’s vibrant culture and rich history. However, with the rise of extremist provocations, this peaceful coexistence is at risk.

If we allow these provocations to go unchallenged, we risk not only damaging our national unity but also setting a dangerous precedent for future generations. The good people, the silent majority, must rise to the occasion and reclaim the narrative of unity, peace, and respect for all faiths. Only by doing so can we ensure that the true essence of India — its harmony in diversity — remains intact.


The actions of a few should never define an entire community. It is time for the good Hindus to break their silence and condemn the misbehavior of extremists within their ranks. India’s unity depends on collective action, and the preservation of peace and respect for all communities is a shared responsibility. Let us not allow a few to destroy the unity that generations have worked to build.

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