Home Nation Hindu Boy Frames Muslim Boy in Fake Bomb Threat Case

Hindu Boy Frames Muslim Boy in Fake Bomb Threat Case

This incident highlights the troubling trend of falsely framing individuals from the Muslim community in cases like cow slaughtering, bomb blasts, and recent dog meat cases in Bangalore.

by Deccan Voice
Hindu Boy Frames Muslim Boy in Fake Bomb Threat Case - deccanvoice.com

The UP Police Agra control room recently received a threatening email claiming a bomb attack at Agra airport and railway station. The email, signed off as K Ahmed (Email: KAhemed436@gmail.com), stated that 50 kilograms of RDX would be placed at Agra Airport. Upon investigation, police arrested 21-year-old Gopesh from Rajasthan, who had stolen Ahmed’s phone, created the email ID, and sent the threat. Gopesh targeted the UP police specifically, believing they would quickly act against his neighbor Ahmed due to communal tensions.

Upon being confronted, Gopesh claimed he was trying to teach Ahmed a lesson for allegedly messaging his sister on social media. This incident highlights the troubling trend of falsely framing individuals from the Muslim community in cases like cow slaughtering, bomb blasts, and recent dog meat cases in Bangalore. It underscores the need for caution when consuming news and stresses the importance of thorough investigations to prevent wrongful accusations and communal discord.

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