Home Nation The Complex Dynamics of Hindu Support for Israel: Unpacking the Reasons and Implications

The Complex Dynamics of Hindu Support for Israel: Unpacking the Reasons and Implications

The support for Israel among some Hindus in India is a multifaceted issue, influenced by historical alliances, strategic interests, and, unfortunately, communal hatred.

by Deccan Voice
The Complex Dynamics of Hindu Support for Israel: Unpacking the Reasons and Implications - deccanvoice.com

In recent years, a noticeable segment of the Hindu community in India has expressed strong support for Israel. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, including geopolitical alliances, historical narratives, and socio-religious sentiments. However, beneath the surface of this support lies a more complex and troubling reality: the undercurrents of Islamophobia. This article explores the reasons behind this support, contrasts it with India’s historical alliances, and examines the broader implications for Indian society and democracy.

Geopolitical and Historical Alliances

Israel’s Assistance During the Kargil War

One of the most frequently cited reasons for Hindu support for Israel is its assistance to India during the Kargil War in 1999. Israel provided crucial military support, including surveillance equipment and ammunition, which helped India counter the Pakistani incursion. This assistance is often highlighted to justify the admiration for Israel, overshadowing other historical alliances.

The Overlooked Support from Russia

While Israel’s help during Kargil is noteworthy, it pales in comparison to the strategic and substantial support India received from Russia, particularly during the 1971 Indo-Pak War. Russia’s intervention was critical in countering the U.S. and Chinese threats, helping India achieve a decisive victory and leading to the creation of Bangladesh. Despite this, the widespread public adulation for Russia does not match the fervor seen for Israel, suggesting that factors beyond historical alliances are at play.

The Role of Islamophobia

Anti-Muslim Sentiments

A significant, albeit less openly acknowledged, reason for the Hindu support for Israel is rooted in anti-Muslim sentiments. Israel’s ongoing conflict with Palestinian Muslims resonates with certain sections of the Hindu community that harbor animosity towards Muslims, both domestically and internationally. This alignment is less about genuine geopolitical interests and more about a shared sense of opposition to Muslims.

Media Influence

The role of media in shaping public opinion cannot be overstated. In India, certain media outlets, often referred to as “godi media” (a term used to describe media perceived as being supportive of the ruling party), amplify narratives that promote Hindu-Muslim divisions. These media channels glorify Israel’s military actions against Palestinians, framing them in a way that appeals to anti-Muslim biases within the Hindu community. This creates a skewed perception where support for Israel is seen as a stance against Muslims.

Strategic Partnerships and Realpolitik

Arms Trade and Military Cooperation

Israel is one of the largest arms suppliers to India, providing advanced military technology and intelligence cooperation. This relationship is crucial for India’s defense capabilities and aligns with its strategic interests. However, it is essential to recognize that similar relationships exist with other countries, such as Russia and France, which also supply significant military hardware to India.

Balanced Foreign Policy

India’s foreign policy has traditionally been one of non-alignment and maintaining balanced relationships with multiple countries. While strong ties with Israel are beneficial, they should not come at the expense of long-standing alliances or foster domestic communal divisions. India’s diplomatic approach should prioritize national interests over divisive ideologies.

The Dangers of Communal Hatred

Threat to Unity and Democracy

The growing support for Israel based on anti-Muslim sentiments poses a significant threat to India’s unity and democratic fabric. Such hate-driven alliances can exacerbate communal tensions, leading to social unrest and undermining the principles of secularism and pluralism that India was founded upon.

Impact on India’s Global Image

India has long been known for its rich cultural diversity and the harmonious coexistence of various communities. The rise of Islamophobic sentiments and the politicization of foreign alliances risk tarnishing this image globally. It is crucial for India to uphold its reputation as a tolerant and inclusive society.


The support for Israel among some Hindus in India is a multifaceted issue, influenced by historical alliances, strategic interests, and, unfortunately, communal hatred. While Israel’s role as a defense partner is important, it is essential to recognize and address the underlying Islamophobic sentiments driving this support. Promoting unity, understanding, and balanced foreign relations is crucial for preserving India’s democracy and global standing. The path forward lies in embracing the true spirit of India—one of love, tolerance, and mutual respect among all its citizens.

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