Home Nation Is Shaligram Garg brother of Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham Above the Law? Or Are the Police Afraid to Take Action?

Is Shaligram Garg brother of Pandit Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham Above the Law? Or Are the Police Afraid to Take Action?

Despite the serious nature of these allegations, there has been a noticeable lack of action from law enforcement. To date, the police have not taken Shaligram Garg into custody nor initiated significant investigations into his activities.

by Deccan Voice
Shaligram Garg, the brother of the widely known spiritual leader Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of Bageshwar Dham, has recently come under scrutiny for his alleged involvement in violent activities, extortion, and other illegal matters. 

Shaligram Garg, the brother of the widely known spiritual leader Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri of Bageshwar Dham, has recently come under scrutiny for his alleged involvement in violent activities, extortion, and other illegal matters.

Bageshwar Dham: A Brief Overview

Bageshwar Dham, situated in Madhya Pradesh, India, has emerged as a prominent Hindu spiritual center under the leadership of Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. Known for his captivating sermons and claimed miraculous abilities, Shastri has attracted a large number of devotees seeking spiritual guidance and solace.

Allegations Against Shaligram Garg

In contrast to the spiritual image of Bageshwar Dham, Shaligram Garg has been embroiled in multiple controversies that paint a starkly different picture. Reports and eyewitness accounts have implicated him in a series of unlawful activities, including:

  1. Physical Assaults: Numerous allegations have surfaced accusing Shaligram Garg of physically assaulting individuals who either opposed him or did not comply with his demands. These incidents reportedly range from minor scuffles to severe beatings, contributing to an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
  2. Extortion and Money Collection: Garg is also accused of extorting money from local businesses and devotees. Under the guise of fundraising for the Dham or other charitable activities, he allegedly coerces individuals into making hefty donations, often using threats of violence or social ostracism.
  3. Land Grabbing and Property Disputes: There have been claims of Garg being involved in illegal land grabbing and coercing property owners to transfer their assets under duress. These actions have led to numerous legal battles and grievances from affected parties.
  4. Intimidation and Coercion: Witnesses have described how Garg uses his connection to Bageshwar Dham and his brother’s influence to intimidate and coerce people. This includes leveraging the Dham’s reputation to silence critics and dissenters.

Police Inaction and Alleged Influence

Despite the serious nature of these allegations, there has been a noticeable lack of action from law enforcement. To date, the police have not taken Shaligram Garg into custody nor initiated significant investigations into his activities. Many believe this inaction is due to the considerable influence wielded by his brother, Dhirendra Krishna Shastri. The connection between the spiritual leader and local authorities appears to be preventing the proper administration of justice:

  1. Protection from Prosecution: The apparent immunity enjoyed by Shaligram Garg suggests that his brother’s influence is shielding him from legal repercussions. This protection undermines the rule of law and sets a troubling precedent for accountability.
  2. Exploitation of Innocent People: As a result of this inaction, innocent people continue to be exploited and victimized. The lack of police intervention means that those affected by Garg’s alleged activities have little recourse and remain vulnerable to further abuse.
  3. Erosion of Public Trust in Law Enforcement: The perceived favoritism and failure to act by the police contribute to an erosion of public trust in law enforcement agencies. When authorities turn a blind eye to criminal activities, it not only emboldens the perpetrators but also disillusions the community, which relies on the police for protection and justice.


The controversies surrounding Shaligram Garg present a significant challenge to the Bageshwar Dham and its spiritual mission. As legal proceedings and investigations continue, it remains to be seen how Bageshwar Dham will navigate this turbulent period and whether it can restore the faith and trust of its devotees amidst these serious allegations. The situation also underscores the critical need for impartial law enforcement to protect the rights and well-being of all citizens, regardless of their connections or influence.

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